One of the reasons that it becomes harder to maintain a healthy body weight as we get older is due to our metabolism slowing down. Metabolism is the body’s ability to burn calories. But in addition to age, there are factors that we can control that affect our metabolism.

Schenectady Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing has a look at five factors that can slow down your metabolism.

  1. Not Eating Enough

It sounds counterintuitive, but you do need to consume enough calories in order to keep your metabolism strong. If you’re not getting enough calories, your body goes into starvation mode. Once this happens, your metabolism slows to conserve energy and your body starts to break down your muscle mass to use as fuel instead of the food that you consume.

  1. Regularly Drinking Alcohol

Even if it isn’t a large amount, if you’re consuming alcohol on a regular basis—especially before bedtime—the body spends time trying to detoxify itself from chemicals formed due to the booze rather than burn the calories that you consumed.

  1. Lack of Protein in Diet

Even if you’re dieting, you’ll want to make sure you’re consuming enough lean protein—chicken and fish—or plant-based proteins or nuts. Protein will help you build muscle, and muscle promotes a faster metabolism than fat.

  1. Lack of Sleep

Even if you’re exercising regularly and eating well, not getting the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep per night can sabotage your metabolism. Being sleep-deprived can cause you to overeat as well as have an increase in the hormone which tells your body to store fat.

  1. Lack of Mobility

Sitting on the couch or at your desk working all day is doing harm to your body because your resting metabolism slows. Even if you have a desk job, be sure to get up once an hour and take a two-minute walk. That will keep your metabolism engaged.


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